Please refer to the diagram for a description of traffic flow in Bethel's parking lot.
The yellow lines indicate the traffic pattern for automobiles: -Solid yellow lines indicate the flow of traffic for parents who are dropping off or picking up their students at the front or back (preschool) entrances. Sidewalk pick-up will still be in the back parking lot; sidewalk drop-off will be at the front door. -Dotted yellow lines indicate the flow of traffic for parents wishing to park and walk their students in to our out of the building. The short, red lines indicate the route for bikers and walkers. All bikers and walkers are to stay on the sidewalk. It is recommended you DO NOT park in the spaces adjacent to the sidewalk, as traffic will more than likely be lined up behind those spaces and prevent you from backing out. Please be aware of crosswalks and use extreme caution as you approach the building in your vehicle! Remember: Our traffic pattern is one way only. The entrance is on the east side of the parking lot and the exit is on the west side. Thank you for your attention to these details! |